Thursday, April 06, 2006

The first few days at Flame

Well, it's my third day at Flame, and they spared no time putting me to work. The first two days I spent logging video, which basically means taking video that's already been shot and type out what is happening onscreen/what the interviewee is saying. I've done this before for NBC15, but thankfully here you don't neceessarily have to put down verbatim what the interviewee says like you do in news.

Though logging is a bit tedious, a lot of the interviews and subjects were really interesting. Most were for a program that deals with issues of surveillance in London, including Closed Circuit TV cameras, DNA databases and the paparrazi. It's also interesting to see how they ask questions in documentaries, because many times you have to re-ask a certain question or make the interviewee go over a certain point again to make it a good, complete sound bite.

Today was spent mostly trying to set up places where we could shoot video tomorrow and in the future. Tomorrow I'm off with a crew to my first shoot, which should hopefully be fun, if not educational.

Apparently tonight and every Thursday after work they have wine and chips and dip for the workers. Woo hoo! They also have a good assortment of snacks in the kitchen, which I will take full advantage of. Most people here are fairly young as well and seem very nice so far. I'm missing the crew at the newspaper, but I'll see a few of them this weekend.


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