Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Photo links

I found a way around having to e-mail everyone every time I post new pictures. If you click on the following links, you will be brought to several of my albums (If I've e-mailed you within the last few days you already have these links). I'll continue to e-mail those whose e-mail addresses I have, but for those whose address I don't have, you're now able to better see what I've been up to:

A trip to Edinburgh, and later the BBC

Basically everything else I've done the last 2 months. The first page is deceiving: You DON'T have to log in; there's an option near the bottom that says "View photos without signing in"

I'll still e-mail my current list of people every time I amass a new set of photos, but I'm glad I found a way to share them all in case I forget anyone.


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