Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Time Flies

Wow, I'm already on my second-to-last day of my trip and third-to-last day in Europe altogether. There are so many things I did in such a short amount of time that I don't have the time right now to describe, but will do so probably when I get back. In all I've seen Paris, Basel (Switzerland), Rome, Salzburg and Prague, and have seen lots of countryside on the train.

Going on this trip has made me:
Thankful for all the friends and family who helped me out by letting me stay with them, helping out with finances or just lending an ear.
Glad that I could see such a wide variety of cities.
Wish that I could see more, especially of Italy (Rome, while really cool, is not enough).
Wish that I had learned more languages.
Hopeful that I can return again soon, at least before Venice sinks.
Slightly exhausted from so much walking and lugging around my huge suitcase.
Happy for the people I've met, especially last night in my hostel.
Wish that I could have shared my experiences in Salzburg and Prague with a friend.
Miss certain things I had grown accustomed to in London, like the BBC, pubs, big parks and British accents.
Not miss having to pay an arm and a leg for everything in London.

And last but not least, this trip has made me excited to come back to the U.S. and see my friends and family again. I've had a blast here, connected with some great people and look forward to someday coming back and seeing what's changed.


At 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!


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