Thursday, March 22, 2007

Exodus update

I realize I haven't updated this in a long time, but I really haven't felt like writing anything compelling lately.

Anyhoo, since my last posting, our news director has left, and a new one should be in place about mid-April. Our chief photographer has temporarily taken over the news director duties, and he's been doing a pretty good job so far.

However, a few people have left or are now on their way out. Two reporters (an engaged couple) are on their way to the Twin Cities to take different jobs, and our weekend sports guy is going back to Wausau to be the sports director there. I'll miss them all, but the departure of the two reporters has been both a blessing and a burden for me. Here's why:

First, the blessing: Their departure opened up their two-bedroom apartment, and because they needed someone to fill it to get out of their lease, I decided to take it. So that means I'll be moving in just a couple weeks, and have a place for myself with one other roommate. I am still looking for a roommate, so if any of you know anyone needing a roommate, please let me know. I've already looked at the apartment, and it's in a nice area. I'll actually be saving money on rent, but my guess is that a lot of the expenses that are included in the place I'm living at now will add up to make the difference. Still, I can't wait to have a place that's more for myself, plus it has a pool and gas grills in the back common area, so you know where the parties are gonna be at this summer.

Now, the burden: The departure of these two means that someone has to fill their slot as nightside reporters during the week until new reporters can be hired. And that means our weekend live reporter has to move to that spot. This really kills a big element of my show; it is, after all, called "The Morning Show Weekend Live." And having that live element to the show really adds a lot of fun to the newscast, especially regarding the banter between the anchors.

So, for now, our reporter will try to tape live reports in advance so we still have some sort of "in-the-field" element. Otherwise, we'll have the in-studio anchors ask the live guests the questions. But I already know it won't have the same liveliness without the cross-talk between the reporter and the anchors. And there's a certain spontaneity with having a live reporter who can go out there and see what an event is about that will be lacking. As far as I know, this is only temporary until the news director hires new reporters. But, this may take awhile as our new news director will have to get a little settled in first.

As for me, I remain committed to the show for the time being. I have a lot of fun with this group of people, and I can tell it's become a successful and smooth newscast - in some ways better than the weekday morning show. I think we've really hit our stride, and I was able to take my first Saturday off last weekend without any disruptions. However, if there's an opportunity to move up in the newsroom, I feel like I'm going to have to take it, just for the sake of my schedule and earnings. Taking my first weekend newscast off makes me confident that someone can take the reins from me in the event that I am sick or have to move on to something different.


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