Saturday, January 28, 2006

I made it to foggy London town!

After some delays in my flight and a lot of walking around with my luggage, I have finally settled in to my new temporary residence in the London borough of Chiswick (pronounced CHIS-ick). The house is very quaint, and I actually live in what could be the attic but what actually is a nice, spacious room.

The plane ride was alright, and I slept through most of it. We were supposed to leave at 8:10 pm from O'Hare, but at the last minute a couple seated in front of me started freaking out and left the plane, which delayed the flight half an hour because they had to get their luggage out. The good thing, though, is that I got two seats to myself as the person sitting next to me jumped on the opportunity to sit in the couple's abandoned seats.

Finally when we were near London, we had to circle around for a bit before we could land. After that, we waited for about half an hour to get a gate. Oh well, I wasn't in a rush so it didn't bother me.

Going through immigration was probably the fastest part of the process. From there I walked a whole lot with my luggage to the Underground station, only to find that the line that I wanted to travel on was closed for the weekend, but they did have a replacement bus service. So after surviving a bit of London traffic, I finally made it to the station, got on the Undergound train that I needed, got off at the next stop, and proceeded to walk to the host family's house with about 60+ pounds of luggage. Unfortunately the host family person was working and couldn't pick me up, but he gave good directions and I made it to my place safely.

I'll keep you all posted once I rest up a bit and get to see more of the city.



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